Call for Abstract

13th Annual Conference on Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, will be organized around the theme “Stem Cells: A Novel Approach towards Regenerative Medicine”

Stem Cell Congress 2019 is comprised of 17 tracks and 40 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Stem Cell Congress 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Auto-renewal and differentiation of somatic cell is modulated in a section of tissue called a somatic cell Niche. The flexibility to specific niche cell sorts and intrinsic factors during this small surroundings to take care of tissue physiological condition. Niche is that the most vital issue to work out however somatic cells behaves and what will be attainable reason for a few fatal diseases like cancers that during  their microenvironment making additional or mutated growth factors which makes stem cell to duplicate while not differentiation and ultimately becomes cancerous. Researchers are learning regarding the varied part of the Niche and take a look at to duplicate in-vivo niche conditions

  • Track 1-1Multipotent Stem Cells
  • Track 1-2Embryonic Stem Cell Niche
  • Track 1-3Germ line Stem Niche
  • Track 1-4Cord blood Stem Cell Niche
  • Track 1-5Pluripotent Stem Cell Niche
  • Track 1-6Neural Stem Cells

Adult stem cells has divided into many isolated are isolated from many tissue sources, as well as the central systema nervosum, bone marrow, membrane and muscle. Adult somatic cell refers to any cell that is found in a very developed organism that has 2 properties that's the flexibility to divide and build another cell like itself and conjointly divide and make a cell a lot of differentiated than it. conjointly called physical stem cells and germ line stem cells giving rise to gametes. Consequently, adult stem therapies need a somatic cell supply of the particular lineage required and gather and or culturing them up to the numbers needed may be a challenge. Adult somatic cell treatments are exploitation extensively for nearly a few years to treat diseases like blood disorders and bone and animal tissue transplants

  • Track 2-1Fetal Blood Cells
  • Track 2-2Mesenchymal Blood Cells
  • Track 2-3Oligopotent Stem Cell

Cancers cells are known as as neoplasms that characteristics connected with various healthy Stem Cells and it’s specify ability rise to supply all cell kinds found during a} very specific cancer sample. CSCs area unit called growth forming cells perhaps in distinction to totally different non-tumorigenic cancer cells. CSCs would possibly generate through the somatic cell processes of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple cell types

  • Track 3-1Stem Cell Biomarkers
  • Track 3-2Breast Cancer Stem Cell
  • Track 3-3Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cell

Everybody is born completely different, some ar born absolutely healthy and stay healthy for the remainder of their lives, some are born with bound Hereditary disorders, whereas some could develop chronic disorders. vegetative cell medical aid (SCT) is that the treatment of varied disorders, non-serious to life threatening, by exploitation stem cells. These stem cells are often procured from plenty of various sources and accustomed probably treat over eighty disorders, as well as Hereditary and chronic disorders.Hematopoietic disorders (eg cancer, thallassemia, anaemia, MDS, red blood cell anemia, storage disorders etc.) have an effect on the bone marrow and manifest with varied general complications. Stem cells from a donor (either from babycord blood or bone marrow) ar familiar to structure the defective bone marrow and for good overcome the disorder

  • Track 4-1Stem Cell Therapies in Neurology
  • Track 4-2Stem Cell Therapies in Cardiology

Stem Cells are dedifferentiated biological cells which will differentiate into unipotent cells and might divide (through mitosis) to supply additional stem cells. they're found in cellular organisms. In mammals, there are 2 broad kinds of stem cells: Embryonic stem cells, that are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, and adult stem cells, that are found in numerous tissues. In adult organism .Stem cells is also taken from fetal membrane blood merely once birth. Of all somatic cell varieties, autologous gather involves the tiniest quantity risk

  • Track 5-1Cell Reprogramming

At present, the department is active development and characterization of biomaterials principally for medical science, wound healing and drug delivery applications. In orthopedically applications, hydroxyapatite is studied as a fabric for bone tissue regeneration. Additional specifically, increasing the toughness, antimicrobial properties and wear resistance of hydroxyapatite is studied. Tissue engineering are often outlined because the use of a mixture of cells, engineering materials, and appropriate organic chemistry factors to enhance or replace biological functions in a trial to enhance clinical procedures for the repair of broken tissues and organs

  • Track 6-1Biomaterial Science

When bruised or invaded by sickness, our bodies have the innate response to heal and defend. What if it had been attainable to harness the ability of the body to heal then accelerate it's additionally operating to make solutions for organs that become for good broken. The goal of this medication is to seek out the way to cure antecedently untreatable injuries and diseases.Scientific research is functioning to create treatments on the market for clinical use. Treatments embody each in vivo and in vitro procedures. in vivo which means studies and trials performed within the living body so as to stimulate antecedently irreparable organs to heal themselves. In vito treatments are applied to the body through implantation of a medical aid studied within the laboratory.

  • Track 7-1Regenerative Medicine in Diabetes
  • Track 7-2Regenerative Medicine in Cardiology
  • Track 7-3Tissue Homeostasis and Repair
  • Track 7-4Regenerative Medicine in Pulmonary Disease

Stem cell transplantation may be a scientific term it covers several advanced completely different a new study allogeneic transplants largely hematogenic stem cells are extracted from completely different bone marrow or peripheral blood and epithelial duct to match needed healthy donor WHO matches metric capacity unit. A type or among loved one or unrelated take a look at subject or person. For autologous transplants, stem cells are taken from patients' own bone marrow or peripheral blood. Intense medical aid or action medical aid kills the patient's stem cells. This stops the stem cells from making enough blood and immune cells

  • Track 8-1Bone Marrow Transplantation
  • Track 8-2Syngeneic Stem Cell Transplant

Stem cell biotechnology could be a revolutionary sub field of biotechnology to develop and improve tools and generate a lot of on through modify and regenerative medication somatic cell technology is vital role in tissue regeneration medication the premise for somatic cell transplantation is that blood cells (red cells, white cells and platelets) and immune cells (lymphocytes) arise from the stem cells, that are gift in marrow, peripheral blood and cord blood. Intense medical aid or medical care kills the patient's stem cells

  • Track 9-1Plant Biotechnology
  • Track 9-2Stem Cell Genome Engineering

Induced pluripotent Stem cells are created by inducement the specialised cells to specific genes that area unit usually gift in embryonic stem cells which management cell functions. Embryonic Stem Cells and iPS. Cells share several characteristics, together with the flexibility become the cells of all organ and  tissues, however they're not identical. IPS cells are a strong technique for making patient- and disease-specific cell lines for analysis

  • Track 10-1IPSC Advantages in Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Track 10-2IPSC Advantages in Cardiology

Hematopoietic Stem Cells are merely stem cells collected from embryos, therefore this isn’t such a lot of a useful definition because it may be a description of their supply. the ability of those cells is that they’re (almost always) pluripotent, that makes them a particularly valuable tool for analysis. However, they’re not nearly as helpful for therapeutic applications, as something they differentiate into won’t be compatible with the system of the recipient. rather more promising are induced pluripotent stem cells, that are differentiated cells that are de-differentiated into one thing, approximating an embryonic somatic cell.

  • Track 11-1Hematopoietic Stem Cell in Cardiology

Embryonic stem cells unit derived from embryos at a organic process stage before the time that implantation would usually occur among the female internal reproductive organ. Fertilization normally happens among the embryo, and thru consecutive few days, a series of cleavage divisions occur as a result of the embryo travels down the body fluid and into the feminine internal organ. each of the cells (blast meres) of these cleavage-stage embryos unit undifferentiated , i.e. they're doing not look or act rather like the specialised cells of the adult, and thus the blast meres do not appear to be notwithstanding committed to turning into any specific type of differentiated cell. so each those blast meres have the potential to relinquish rise to any cell of the body.

  • Track 12-1Trans Genesis in Embryonic Stem Cells
  • Track 12-2Embryonic Stem Cell in Genetics

Stem Cell has helped several scientific technologies born in tutorial analysis settings to achieve the globe biotechnology market. somatic cell is headquartered in Vancouver, state, Canada, and has offices in eight countries at the side of the U.S.., UK, Germany, France, Australia, Singapore and china, what is more as distributors in around eighty various countries. somatic cell is that the biggest biotechnology company in North yankee nation, presently exploitation quite 800 people globally and offers a list of over 2, two hundred merchandise.

  • Track 13-1Stem Cell Protein Purification and Analysis Tools
  • Track 13-2Bead-based Stem Cell Separation Systems
  • Track 13-3Fluorescent-based Labelling and Detection
  • Track 13-4Primary Antibodies to Stem Cell Antigens

Adult stem cells may be collected from your fat (fat) and banked. These stem cells don't need duct and also the animal tissue contains repeatedly a lot of stem cells than the bone marrow. These cells are shown to regenerate broken tissue like gristle, excretory organ and even heart tissue. In Bio Banking this blood is collected once obtaining consent from the parents and is shipped to a wire bank, where the stem cells unit of measurement separated, tested, processed, and preserved at -196 C mistreatment technically, there is no termination date and these stem cells area unit typically preserved for a amount of your time. Scientifically, proof exists that they will be keeping for up to twenty four years. The stem cells can treat around seventy blood connected disorders and genetic disorders beside hypochromic anemia, red blood corpuscle anaemia, leukaemia, and immune connected disorders

  • Track 14-1Cord Blood Cell Banks
  • Track 14-2Cryo Preservation

Tissue Engineering beside Regenerative drugs is also accustomed manufacture Scaffolds ’within the form. These scaffolds unit accustomed support organs and organ systems which can square measure broken once injury or illness. A Scaffold are often thought-about as a structural and cell-instructive templet for cells and therefore the forming tissue and liable for the multidimensional and long-range ordering of extremely organized tissues, and that interacts with the native cell populations and their secreted factors.

  • Track 15-1Scaffold in Tissue Engineering
  • Track 15-2Drug Design Scaffolds

Cellular Senescence refers senescence growth arrest enforces the idea that the senescence response evolved a minimum of partially to suppress the event of cancer. The senescence arrest is taken into consideration irreversible as results of no noted physiological stimuli can stimulate recent cells to enter the cell cycle. Senescence cell response is accepted as a potent growth restrictive mechanism. However, recent proof strengthens the idea that it jointly drives chronic pathologically, presumptively by promoting chronic inflammation. Thus, the senescence response is additionally the results of antagonistically pleiotropic sequence action

  • Track 16-1Cellular Senescence

Lipogems is new innovative technique developed in Regenerative medication treatment by gather fat (fat) from your own body and method to a replacement distinctive system to injectable substance with advanced healing properties .it is principally advanced technique in orthopedic field by treating diseases like inflammatory disease and joint pains like knee Replacements and alternative reaction disorders. once a legs or arm is amputated thanks to infection or any birth defects medicine terribly useful in providing quality and for betterment of quality of life

  • Track 17-1Lipogems in Orthopaedics
  • Track 17-2Regenerexx Techniques