Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 14th Annual Conference on Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Paris, France.

Day 2 :

Session Introduction

Simon Haas

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany

Title: Human hematopoietic stem cell differentiation follows a continuous Waddingtonlike landscape

Time : 09:30-10:00


Simon Haas is Group Leader at the Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental Medicine and the German Cancer Research Center. He is an expert in hematopoiesis, with a special focus on stem cell biology. His research centers around the question how hematopoietic stem cells make complex lineage decisions to produce the variety of blood and immune cells.


Multipotent hematopoietic stem cells are responsible for the livelong production of all blood and immune cells. In the classical model of hematopoiesis, blood formation is believed to occur through stepwise progression of hematopoietic stem cells following a tree-like hierarchy of oligo-, bi- and unipotent progenitors. However, this model is based on experimental approaches unable to describe how individual HSCs and their progeny enter lineage commitment during steady-state hematopoiesis. To establish a comprehensive model of human hematopoiesis, we have developed single-cell approaches that integrate single-cell RNA-sequencing with flow cytometric and functional lineage potency data. This allows us to reconstruct developmental trajectories and to gain a detailed view on lineage commitment of individual HSCs into all major branches of human haematopoiesis. We found that individual HSCs do not pass through discrete intermediate progenitor cell stages. In contrast, HSC lineage commitment occurs in a gradual manner best described by a continuous Waddington landscape with initially flat but progressively deepening valleys. Our data determine a detailed model of developmental trajectories within this landscape and demonstrates that distinct gene expression modules operate in a combinatorial manner to control stemness, early lineage priming and the subsequent progression into all major branches of hematopoiesis. These results establish the concept of a developmental continuum, which can replace the differentiation tree as a comprehensive model of human steady-state hematopoiesis and provide a basis for the understanding of hematopoietic malignancies.


Lenger Karin

Institute for Scientific Homeopathy, Germany

Title: Institute for Scientific Homeopathy, Germany

Time : 10:00-10:30


Lenger Karin Dr.rer.nat., pursued Diploma in Biochem, studied Biochemistry at the Universities of Tubingen and Cologne. Her research topics revolved around enzymatic gene regulation, cancer research, enzymatic mechanisms of steroid hormones at the Medical University of Lubeck. In 1987 she became a Lecturer for Homeopathy at DHU ((Deutsche Homöopathie Union = German Homeopathy Union). Since 1995 she worked as a Homeopathic Practitioner and developed the “biochemical homeopathy” by using highly potentized substrates of pathological enzymes for her patients. She detected magnetic photons in high homeopathic potencies by two magnetic resonance methods and developed a model of physical and biochemical function of homeopathy.


Karin Lenger detected magnetic photons in highly diluted and potentized homeopathic remedies. Since the living body is an electromagnetic wavepackage (Einstein), the homeopathic law of Similars (Hahnemann 1755-1843) can be expressed as: the frequencies of the patient must match the frequencies of the remedies. Homeopathy is a regulation therapy curing hypo and hyperfunction of a pathological pathway by resonance: highly potentized substrates, inhibitors, enzymes, receptors of the distinct pathological pathways cure according to biochemical rules: A homeopathic symptom picture is obtained by poisoning a volunteer with a toxin. Simultaneously he develops psychological symptoms, the toxicological pathway and e.g. frequencies I-V. The highly potentized toxin has the frequencies I-V. The patient has symptoms as if he was poisoned by the toxin: during his illness he developed the toxicological pathway, frequencies I-V and psychological symptoms. The potentized toxin cures simultaneously the patient’s frequencies by resonance, his pathological pathway and the psychological symptoms. A stitch of honey bee, apis mellifica, causes a red oedema; a patient developing a red oedema at the finger-joint by rheumatism is cured by highly potentized Apis mellifica. Paralyses caused by a lack of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine bound to the acetylcholine-receptor at the post-synapsis can be healed by using these potentized remedies: the venom of cobra, Naja tripudians containing the receptor’s irreversible inhibitor cobrotoxin, the reversible inhibitor Atropine and Acetylcholine, daily applied. The availability of acetylcholine is maintained by glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation. This can be supported by giving these remedies: Lecithin, Lipasum, Glycerinum, Glucosum and Coenzyme A.